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The document management functionality of OpenDocMan supports any file type, requires no FTP access, support metadata for each file, supports file expiration, supports revision history, supports custom properties for each document, support for physically storing documents on the server, supports OpenDocMan is an opensource document management for the masses. OpenDocMan is a free document management system (DMS) designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management. It features web based access, fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades. 漏洞概要:OpenDocMan 1.2.5的out.php中存在跨站脚本攻击漏洞,远程攻击者通过last_message参数来注入任意web脚本或HTML。 OpenDocMan是一个全功能的DMS文档管理系统,遵循ISO 17025/IEC标准。提供自动化安装脚本、自定义主题、插件、check in/out,分部门访问控制,文件调整,细粒度用户访问控制,强大的搜索功能,提供中文支持。 漏洞概要:OpenDocMan 1.2.5版本中存在多个跨站脚本攻击漏洞。远程攻击者可以借助对(1)add.php,(2)toBePublished.php,(3)index.php,和(4)admin.php的last_message参数; 对(5)category.php,(6)department.php,(7)profile.php,(8)rejects.php,(9)search.php,(10) oBePublished.php,(11)user.php,和(12)view_file.php的默认URI的PATH_INFO; 以及(13)对user.php的一个修改用户 2015年1月23日 用户可以在我的表单上上传文档和详细信息,并将其保存到数据库中,并创建一个 文件夹来保存文档。 他们可以上传.jpg .png .docx等。 我现在想 2018年11月26日 download 属性此属性指示浏览器下载URL而不是导航到URL,因此将提示用户将 其保存为本地文件。 如果属性有一个值,它将在保存提示中用作
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OpenDocMan是一个 开源 的 文件管理系统 ,也称为开源DMS,这是总部设在PHP编程语言,并设计符合ISO 17025和文档管理OIE标准。 opendocman ¶. OpenDocMan - Free PHP Document Management System DMS. OpenDocMan is a web based document management system (DMS) written in PHP designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management. It features fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades. Features 提供自动化安装脚本、自定义主题、插件、check in/out,分部门访问控制,文件调整,细粒度用户访问控制,强大的搜索功能,提供中文支持。 OpenDocMan 发布,此版本添加了安全补丁和bug修复;不包括任何的数据库修改;强烈建议所有用户升级! OpenDocMan 的详细介绍:点击查看; OpenDocMan 的下载地址:点击下载 OpenDocMan is an open-source document management software for PHP. Users can download the code and modify as they wish, and there is a community forum for users to share ideas and solutions. It also hosts a cloud service and locally installed service for those who want to run on OpenDocMan’s original software. OpenDocMan is a free, web-based, open source document management system (DMS) written in PHP designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document
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Vulnosv2 靶机训练 5 2021-03-02 参考博客传送门 关键点:web系统可能在msf中保留有漏洞记录,找到相对应的版本攻击点进行攻击 searchsploit OpenDocMan 1.2.7 一般存放目录都放在 /usr/share/exploitdb下面 获得低权限用户后 可以考虑Linux内核提权 searchsploit Linux 3.13.0 搭建一个文件服务器 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 6666 下载 wget 如果是c类型文件,需要gcc编译 找 OpenDocMan 是一个全功能的DMS文档管理系统,遵循 ISO 17025/IEC 标准。提供自动化安装脚本、自定义主题、插件、check in/out,分部门访问控制,文件调整,细粒度用户访问控制,强大的搜索功能。 31/01/2016 17/12/2018
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stephenlawrence released this on Jan 31, 2016 · 19 commits to master since this release OpenDocMan v1.3.5 includes security and bug fixes. No database changes are required. Recommended that all users upgrade from older versions. OpenDocMan 1.3.5 Released 5 years ago OpenDocMan released /opendocman/1.3.5/; 5 years ago OpenDocMan released /opendocman/1.3.5/; 5 years ago OpenDocMan released /opendocman/1.3.5/opendocman-1.3.5.tar.gz; 5 years ago OpenDocMan released /opendocman/1.3.4/; 5 years ago OpenDocMan 是一个全功能的DMS文档管理系统,遵循 ISO 17025/IEC 标准。提供自动化安装脚本、自定义主题、插件、check in/out,分部门访问控制,文件调整,细粒度用户访问控制,强大的搜索功能。 OpenDocMan 发布,此版本修复了一个 SQL 注入问题,强烈建议所有用户升级到最新版本! OpenDocMan 是一个全功能的DMS文档管理系统,遵循 ISO 17025/IEC 标准。 17/12/2018 · OpenDocMan Version 1.2.6+ Features. OpenDocMan Support Forums. OpenDocMan Download. Edit. Working With OpenDocMan. OpenDocMan Lessons. Edit. Off-Site Filesystem / Storage. OpenDocMan Off-Site Storage Filesystem. Edit. start.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/17 11:39 (external edit) Page Tools. opendocman:OpenDocMan-免费PHP文档管理系统DMS-源码. 2021-03-11. OpenDocMan 免费PHP文档管理系统DMS OpenDocMan是一个用PHP编写的基于Web的文档管理系统(DMS),旨在符合ISO 17025和OIE文档管理标准。它具有对文件访问的细粒度控制以及自动安装和升级的功能。 特征 * Upload files using web browser * Control access to files based on
OpenDocMan文档管理系统 php版,OpenDocMan是一个全功能的DMS文档管理系统,遵循ISO 17025/IEC标准 0. I had the same problem, I managed to solve it by creating a folder with editing permission in a different location on the example server: "/home2/"yourSite"/public_html/info41/odm_data/" and put this path in the database in the table "odm_settings" field "dataDir" and in functions.php, I added, after, "$_SERVER ['SERVER_NAME']" . "/folder where
OpenDocMan ™ – Open Source Document Management System OpenDocMan is a free, web-based, open source document management system (DMS) written in PHP designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management. It features web based access, fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades. Installatron Remote is absolutely free for unlimited installs and imports, backups and restores, and up to three (3) upgrades per calendar month. Here's what you get for subscribing to Installatron Remote Premium for just $29/year: Unlimited email and ticket-based support (for issues pertaining to … OpenDocMan. 213 likes. OpenDocMan is a very popular open-source document management system