


深海迷航Subnautica豆瓣评分:9.2 简介:Descend into the depths of an alien underwater world filled 模拟/ 冒险/ PC / Mac / PS4 / Xbox One / 2018-01-23 发行  美丽水世界(Subnautica)是Unknown Worlds Entertainment公司发行的一款动作 冒险游戏,这款游戏 请访问电脑版网页下载该资源为电脑版资源,暂无手机版. 《美丽水世界/深海迷航/水下之旅(Subnautica)》是一款水下开放世界冒险游戏, 玩家可以在本作中进行水下世界探索,另外,游戏还结合了角色扮演、沙盒和游戏   2019年2月10日 分类:动作冒险大小:12.7 GB 语言:中文时间:2020-06-03. 5分. 请访问电脑版 网页下载该资源为电脑版资源,暂无手机版. 详情; 相关; 猜你喜欢 

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Subnautica Game Guide. game guide 30 January 2018. This game guide contains helpful tips and tricks on how to survive in sea depths. Here you will find valuable information about game mechanics like gathering resources, collecting items, and using the in-game crafting system. 2020年8月25日 Subnautica 是由Unknown Worlds Entertainment 开发并发行的一款开放世界生存 制作游戏。 需要64 位处理器和操作系统; 操作系统: Windows Vista SP2 or newer, 64-bit; 处理 免费下载或者VIP会员专享资源能否直接商用? 深海迷航Subnautica,又称美丽水世界,这是一款早在几年前就发布测试版本的 生存建造 最新国服《深海迷航》下载地址: 巴士深海迷航专区,提供深海迷航PC中文版下载,深海迷航攻略秘籍,深海迷航 视频,为大家带来深海迷航pc版什么时候出、深海迷航配置要求等大家关心的  搜索:下载驴. 栏目分类; 视频中心 · 网站插件 · PC下载中心 · 安卓中心 · 新闻中心. 价格; 至尊会员专享资源 · 免费专区 · 赞助会员资源 · 年卡会员专享资源 · 发布日期  游戏简介: 《深海迷航Subnautica》是一款深海主题的沙盒生存建造类游戏。游戏 背景设定在22世纪晚期,采矿船极光号在类地行星4546B坠毁,玩家需要在想办法   应用汇安卓版手机软件下载,提供【深海迷航】软件免费下载到安卓手机:《深海 迷航Subnautica》安卓版是由Unknown Worlds Entertainment制作的一款开放 

08/01/2021 16/09/2018 Hello, Subnauts! Subnautica: Below Zero is getting closer than ever to being ready for launch. We are aiming to release 1.0 in the early part of 2021 – as some of you might have guessed from our Nintendo Switch announcement – but still have bug fixing, optimizing, and further fine-tuning to do before it’s ready for launch on all platforms.. With the release on the horizon, we will be 19/06/2020 23/01/2018

Download Compressed Subnautica Game Free for Microsoft Windows PC. If you're looking for Compressed PC games to play, you've come to the right place. There are a lot of Fully Compressed version PC games There are so many tops - quality and best games that are available on the PC. Subnautica is an underwater open world adventure game. Craft equipment, pilot submarines, and out-smart wildlife to explore lush coral reefs, volcanoes, and cave systems. Subnautica is an underwater open world adventure game. Craft equipment, pilot submarines, and out-smart wildlife to explore lush coral reefs, volcanoes, and cave systems. Full details on the latest status of the game, how you A searchable list of all Subnautica item IDs with spawn codes and unlock codes. Up-to-date with the most recent PC (Steam) and XBOX One version.