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Download YouTube for Mobile - Keep up with your favorite YouTube channels and access the world’s videos anywhere with the official YouTube app for Android. YouTube for AndroidTV is the official YouTube app for any smart tv with Android installed on it. Thanks to YouTube for Android TV you'll get to enjoy all your favorite videos directly on your TV. Dentex YouTube Downloader is an app that will let you download YouTube videos in an easy, fast, and smooth way. Search YouTube's database, select a video, and then choose output format and quality, all right from the app's interface. Dentex YouTube Downloader's interface is divided into three different tabs. NewPipe is an open-source Android application that can be used to download YouTube videos for free. It’s worth mentioning that this lightweight app doesn’t use any proprietary YouTube API or
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Appstore for Android Amazon Coins Fire Tablet Apps Fire TV Apps Games Your Apps & Subscriptions Help Apps & Games › Movies & TV Get this app. Please sign in before purchasing . Sign in Learn how buying works. YouTube by youtube.com . Rated: Guidance Suggested 1/1/2021 · So in this post today, I will share 6 best alternatives to YouTube app for Android and iOS. 1. Dailymotion. Almost as old as YouTube, Dailymotion can be considered a decent alternative to the YouTube app. It’s a video sharing and hosting website which delivers videos across 4 major verticals – News, Sports, Music and Entertainment. Скачать последнюю версию YouTube for Android TV для Android. Официальное приложение YouTube для AndroidTV. YouTube for AndroidTV – это официальное приложение YouTube for Android App更新 405X510-39KB-JPG. Android版YouTube可以看到观看直播人数了 493X554-71KB-JPG. Android 版 YouTube app 可让用户更准确地剪辑视频 665X1000-114KB-JPG. Android TV 版的 YouTube 有了全新面貌,还对自动播放带来改变 185X329-59KB-PNG 6/3/2021 · Google testing YouTube ‘app’ for Chromecast with Android TV-like homescreen, This YouTube app for Chromecast experience is still in testing and has since disappeared for both users.
打开YouTube,从里面找到你要下载的视频并复制地址栏里面的链接。打开Gihosoft TubeGet软件并点击”粘贴链接按钮”,软件会识别并解析这个链接。 2. 等软件解析完成后,就会弹出一个下载设置窗口。这个时候你需要做的是设置好视频下载的分辨率和视频的保存位置,你最好根据你的移动设备选择好最佳的下载分辨率。 3. Videoder 免費 App|Android 下載 YouTube 影片、MP3 最佳神器(Mac 也支援). Android 是 Google 自家的作業系統,因此在 Google Play 基本上不可能有支援 YouTube 影片、MP3 音樂下載的 App,相對其他平台雖然更加困難,但還是有一些方法可以解決,像是 透過網頁工具下載 ,或是使用這篇要介紹的 Videoder ,不過,它並沒有在 Google Play 上架,需要至官網下載 APK 安裝,有些人可能會擔心,這 有多种方法可以实现目标,例如Android或iPhone YouTube下载器应用程序或APK,计算机(Windows或Mac)上的YouTube视频下载器工具,在Firefox或Chrome中下载插件,当然是最简单的方法使用在线YouTube下载器。. 在这篇文章中,我们将与您分享前20名 在线YouTube下载器在更新的列表中,并向您展示如何在线使用这些下载器以MP4 / 3GP或MP3及更多格式保存电影或歌曲。. 第1部分。. 最佳10在线